How to Apply: PhD Program (For January 2021 Intake)

In light of the GCQ and its impact on work process, here is the modified application process for the January 2021 intake. 

  1. Fill out this online application form.

  2. Send soft copy of requirements to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as one zip file on or before 7 November 2020. File name of the zip file must be formatted thus: Navarro, Mara See file naming guide below.

  3. Online interviews (via Zoom) of shortlisted candidates will be conducted. Shortlisted candidates will be notified of the schedule. Kindly make sure you have a registered/authenticated (i.e., you used a verified email address to sign up) Zoom account by then. Also, please make sure you have filled out the online application form above so that you can be notified of the/your schedule (s).

  4. All applicants will be notified of the results. Accepted applicants await further instructions/updates.

File Naming Guide

For faster processing, except for the Passport photo (jpg or png) and GWA Computation Form, all files must be sent as PDF (and in one zip file) and must be named thus:

  • 01_Letter of Application - Last Name, Given Name

  • 02_Transcript of Records Undergrad - Last Name, Given Name
  • 03_Transcript of Records Masters - Last Name, Given Name
  • 04_CV - Last Name, Given Name
  • 05_Personal Data Form - Last Name, Given Name
  • 06_Passport Photo - Last Name, Given Name
  • 07_Birth  Certificate - Last Name, Given Name
  • 08_Dissertation Proposal - Last Name, Given Name
  • 09_Marriage Certificate - Last Name, Given Name (For Married Female Applicants only)
  • 10_GWA Computation Form Undergrad and Masters - Last Name, Given Name (One sheet each for undergrad and masters; one sheet per degree, but only 1 Excel file will be submitted; please refer to "Application Forms.." tab to download the GWA Computation Form.

To get GWA, multiply each grade in your course by the number of units for that course. Add all the results of each of these, then divide the sum by the total number of units (excluding PE and NSTP). View sample computation.

All items except 07 and 09 must be submitted online or or before 7 November 2020 (for January 2021 intake). But if items 07 and 09 are available, please include them in the online submission.


If you already have them, do not open and scan the recommendation forms. They will be submitted—still sealed—later on. 

Applicants with incomplete/pending requirements (as listed in the Requirements* tab, including the sealed recommendations) can still be shortlisted and interviewed online, but applicants endorsed for admission must submit all requirements (listed in Requirements* tab) at a date to be announced later by the Tri-College Secretariat.

Any updates regarding deadlines and other procedures will be emailed to you, so please make sure you fill out the online application form.

*These include originals, photocopies and number of copies, as applicable. For instance, you would still need to submit two hardcopies of the passport-sized photos.